Stolen Asset Recovery (free of charge for members)
Once sign up is complete, your MagTrack device is automatically registered on the Matrix S.A.R.N. (Stolen Asset Recovery Network) and in the event of a theft scenario, you have the following three options available:
- Track & Trace the stolen asset yourself via the App
- Relay the location coordinates from the App to law enforcement
- Utilise Matrix Recovery Operatives to track, trace, and secure your stolen asset
Utilise Matrix free of charge Recovery Operatives to track, trace, and secure your stolen asset anywhere within the UK (please see full Terms & Conditions).
In order to utilise Matrix S.A.R.N operatives in a “Theft” scenario, please select the red “Hold to Recover” icon within the app. You will be prompted by a pop up to confirm the action. Once you click “confirm” your device will automatically be transferred to our Recovery Group, and you will now lose sight of it on the app whilst it is in the recovery process.
By selecting confirm, your phone will automatically dial our 24/7 recovery ARC (Alarm Receiving Centre) where you will confirm your name and contact number, after which you will be transferred to our live Operations Desk where you will be asked to confirm your memorable word, or certain characters from your memorable word.
From this point on, our Operations Desk will have full control of your device, and will place the device into “Theft Mode” to enable track & trace of the device. Once the Operations Desk are satisfied that the device is in the correct mode, and state, to effect track & trace, our recovery operatives will be dispatched.
From this point on, you will be appraised upon activity and actions taken on the contact details you have provided. Once the process is completed, the device will be visible again in your app.
Please Remember: Always keep your MagTrack device charged when prompted to do so via the alerts you can setup in your app. This is extremely important when it comes to track & trace within a theft scenario.
Although most assets are tracked, traced, and secured by our operatives, awaiting collection by their rightful owner in a matter of initial hours, its essential that the battery in the device contains enough charge to effect this.
Please also take the time to familiarise yourself with the different operating modes the device has available, utilising the mode most suited to the daily use of your asset/vehicle. For full device specification sheet, please click here.
For full device installation and charging instructions, please click here